Friday, June 02, 2006

Hello Letter

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog for my awesome trip through the Middle East. Currently I have yet to leave California, but I thought I would get this blog up and running before things get hectic. Although things have started off a little rocky. Robby, my sister, decided that she would wait until the last minute to find her passport and as fate would have it, it is nowhere to be seen. So after a brief "freak out" she managed to get a hold of someone at the Passport office in NY and they are willing to issue her a new passport on Monday. Just in the nick of time. So, we leave for NY tomorrow morning where we will spend 2 1/2 days visiting with friends and family, and then it is off to Israel on June 6th.
First off I would like to thank all of you for wanting to actually read my blog and secondly, hold on because it's going to be an amazing journey. I hope you all enjoy and I will try and update often. Remember to leave lots of comments and when I come back to the states I'll be more than willing to show everyone the pictures I took.

***Warning: my grammar and spelling tend to be horrid when I use email (well, actually it tends to be bad all the time), so just bare with me and all will be fine.

Thanks for reading and wish me luck!!!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Em & Robyn. Take great pictures.
Love dad

Anonymous said...

have fun take care and all that good stuff

Anonymous said...

yay for trips! make real good use of that dock...and hell, if you do get NY time, chill at the new apple store cube on 5th ave. :-) just kidding

have safe trip!


Anonymous said...

hope you guys have a great trip! i can't wait to read about it as well as see photos!


Anonymous said...

Robby take care of em. dont let her get you raped!!! remember always look both ways before you cross the street (i think they also drive on the other side of the road there i dont know),dont open the door for just anyone (Em!!!), and dont forget to bring me back a gift :) (ill check to c if its made in china).most of all have fun and be safe.
ill miss you!!!! :)
love you two!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy flying today. Hope New York was great. I can't wait to hear about your adventure. Have a wonderful time. Love Auntie K

Anonymous said...

Happy flying today. Hope New York was great. I can't wait to hear about your adventure. Have a wonderful time. Love Auntie K