To quote the immortal words of Tyler Durden, I now had "a single serving friend". Lucky me. He was a nice Indian fellow who studied hard, gained two masters, and now works for Sysco Systems in San Jose. We talked about the usual first meet type stuff and then a little about India, which is where I will be headed in 4 days. Apparently, when you talk with your seat mate, it is an unofficial license to have them feel a tad more comfortable around you and so, this turns into a very tall, lanky man stretching his legs into half of my foot room area and then his rather large palm, slowly working its way to land on my tigh while he sleeps for 4 of the remaining flight hours.
Me, being the nice wimp that I am, contemplated removing his hand by force or stabbing it with the fork issued with dinner, but instead, I internally rationalized for hours whether he was cognizant of his wandering appendage or just a sprawling sleeper and therefore spend several hours very uncomfortable. I need to figure out how people talk to other people, in a friendly manner, but leave it so they don't feel they can invade my personal space. It's a flaw I will need to work on. Luckily, I didn't have that problem on my last flight of the day, Abu Dhabi to Bahrain, as my seat mate decided that I was a "loose woman", wearing a hoodie and pants instead of a burka, and so he promptly moved a row away from me. Too bad I only got to enjoy the blissfulness of a whole empty row to myself for a short 52 minute flight.
24 hours after I left San Fransicso, I lost a day in travel, was slightly molested on a plane, smelled a little ripe, felt like I needed to see a chiropractor, and was $70USD poorer due to an unexpected increase in Bahrainan visas. But I passed through customs and into a new adventure.
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